Fat Flower
Gratitude Garland (Elephant)
Gratitude Garland (Elephant)
The Fat Flower Gratitude Garland is the perfect addition to any home or workplace. This beautiful garland features a string of vibrant beads + tassels that are sure to catch the eye. Each bead is handcrafted using high quality fabrics to ensure a long-lasting and durable product.
One of the unique features of our Gratitude Garland is its versatility. It can be draped over a chair, hung on a doorknob or used as a table centerpiece. It can also be worn as a cross body necklace. It’s circumference is over 130cm. Not forgettable at all.
Our Garland serves as a gentle reminder to practice gratitude. Each one comes with a printed card that features a gentle quote on gratitude. This makes it a thoughtful and meaningful gift for friends and loved ones.